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Megapixel IP Cameras

How to choose between IP cameras and AHD cameras? Many people opted for IP cameras, since the network camera systems are flexible and scalable. The problem with AHD video surveillance system (CCTV) is that they are a closed circuit meaning that everything is hard-wired and difficult to scale. 

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Starlight Video Surveillance

Introducing the lastest IP camera solution which based on Hisilicon Hi3518EV200 processor + Smartsens SC1070 image sensor design. This new solution not only can enable the camera to capture 1280x720 crisp image HD video at 25 frames per second, but also featuring high light sensitivity, owing to utilizing the new ge...

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Panoramic Video Surveillance

Home video surveillance is ever the fastest growing market sector in global video surveillance market. Thanks to the wide spreading of smartphone usage and the mature of HD video surveillance technology, many users have one or several IP cameras either for the purpose of entertainment or security. The price war init...

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HD Network Video Recorder

If you want to remotely access your IP camera and NVR, you can use the DDNS function. DDNS is the abbreviation of dynamic domain name system. DDNS can convert your dynamic IP address to easy remember domain, so that you can remotely access the web interface of IP camera/NVR from anywhere, anytime.  Since the DDNS i...

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Starvis Starlight IP Camera Performance

In the surveillance market today, a common complaint from customers is that they are not satisfied with the night view capability of the cameras. However, solutions that can solve this problem already exist—Sony developed in 2015 the STARVIS image sensor, also known as Starlight sensor, for enhancing night view vi...

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