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OmniVision CMOS Image Sensor

The market of CMOS Image Sensor becomes monopoly competition pattern. The demand of China CMOS image sensor is approximate 1.9 billion pieces, it expected to reach 2.6 billion pieces in 2018. CMOS image sensor market appears to become monopolistic market, Sony, OV, Samsung, Galaxycore occupied more than 78% market ...

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How to use Facebook to promote your business?

Apparently, social media is changing our business world. In past history, broadcasting your advertisements on TV channel can be the one of important strategies to contact your potential customers. Facebook is the most popular social media, it can be the great platform to interact with your customers, to publish your...

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Dialog Semiconductor introduced SC14SPNODE DECT ULE module for smart home automation application which is based on latest DECT ULE standard. The SC14SPNODE, is called SmartPulse module supports on-board low power consumption applications. Being compliant with DECT ULE standard to setup wireless linkage between diffe...

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